April 2023
CPCRN Health Equity Workgroup Publishes 3 New Works in Cancer Causes & Control

Over the last year, members of the CPCRN Health Equity Workgroup continued work toward their overall objective to advance health equity in cancer prevention and control research. During the previous year, the investigator team had identified nine health equity principles to serve as guidance to the broader Network,  and their operational definitions have since been vetted through an iterative process of feedback, refinement, and review within the CPCRN membership. A manuscript, entitled "Principles to Operationalize Equity in Cancer Research and Health Outcomes: Lessons Learned from the Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network," was published in Cancer Causes & Control in April 2023, which outlines the nine principles, as well as provides: an overview of the process undertaken to identify the principles and build consensus within the Network; operational examples; and brief case studies from three CPCRN Collaborating Centers.

Various subgroups also active during this time have also published new works for the scientific journal:

Members of the Measurement Subgroup developed a toolkit, "Equitable Research Collaborations" that provides guidance on how to operationalize the health equity principles, examples of practices applied within the CPCRN, and a curated list of relevant resources. The Subgroup developed a companion manuscript to the Toolkit, entitled "Identifying Research Practices toward Achieving Health Equity Principles Within the Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network," published in February 2023.

Finally, the Dissemination Subgroup met with members of the CPCRN Cancer Survivorship Workgroup to discuss how health equity principles can guide the development of new research protocols. Through this collaboration, Network members developed a joint manuscript, entitled "Measuring and Addressing Health Equity: An Assessment of Cancer Center Designation Requirements," also published in Cancer Causes & Control in March 2023. This manuscript builds on the principles as they are relevant to the Survivorship Workgroup efforts.

Click the Publication Titles Above to Learn More and View the Full Articles

September 2022

Equitable Research Collaborations: A toolkit based on the CPCRN principles for health equity

In an effort to make progress toward addressing cancer inequities, the CPCRN Health Equity Workgroup has outlined nine health and racial equity principles to provide guidance to cancer prevention and control research and research collaborations. In September 2022, the Workgroup developed a toolkit, entitled “Equitable Research Collaborations: A toolkit for researchers based on the Cancer Prevention and Control  Research Network principles for health equity.” The goal of this toolkit was to help researchers operationalize and reflect on these principles, understand ongoing practices, and use existing resources and methods to assess progress toward incorporating health and racial equity principles into ongoing and future research studies.

Curated by investigators across the Network, this Toolkit provides:

1) Detailed operationalizations of the nine principles as they relate to cancer prevention and control research;
2) Examples of practices that CPCRN investigators have undertaken or propose to undertake, towards incorporating the principles;
3) Reflection questions that could guide researchers when implementing the principles;
4) An annotated list of resources, including previously published literature that included methods and measures to assess progress towards the implementation and incorporation of the health equity principles in research endeavors.

The toolkit is a collective effort of many CPCRN investigators and is intended to engage investigators at all carer states in more mindful and equitable research. In keeping with the growing evidence base around health and racial equity, we hope to undertake ongoing iterations in a timely manner, so that this resource continues to serve cancer control and prevention researchers and their teams.

Download the Toolkit HERE!

July 2022

NCI Consortium for Cancer Implementation Science (CCIS) Health Equity Bibliography

CPCRN investigators collaborated with federal agency partners at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to develop a new public good (i.e., publicly-available tool/resource), titled"Advancing Health Equity Through Implementation Science (IS): Bibliography & Resources."

Published in July 2022, the product was conceived under and facilitated by NCI's Consortium for Cancer Implementation Science (CCIS), an initiative intended to promote collaboration around addressing key challenges and advancing the IS agenda in cancer. The bibliography was developed by members of the CCIS' Context & Equity in IS action group. It features manuscripts, reports, and other resources that highlight broad thematic areas for consideration among research and practice communities to advance health equity through IS in cancer prevention & control.

CPCRN Collaborators include:
Dr. Stephanie WheelerPrincipal Investigator, CPCRN Coordinating Center
Dr. Prajakta AdsulAffiliate Member, University of New Mexico
Dr. April OhFederal Agency Partner, National Cancer Institute
Dr. Ariella KornFederal Agency Partner, National Cancer Institute

Download the Full Resource HERE!